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Yuki, glasses aren’t genetic, but eye problems that cause people to need them can be.

She’s aware of that but it’s less funny to ask if your family has a genetic issue with your eyes when you are really just asking if everyone in Phil’s family wears glasses.

(Nit)Picking humor apart is rarely funny … but since we started, let’s put the biology glasses on:
But traits are rarely purely genetic in humans. Genes may dominate, but families share the same environment which makes adoptees more likely to conform to family traits.

I also heard recently that more people need glasses nowadays due to environmental factors. Specifically a few factors, the main one of which being young children not getting enough natural sunlight growing up, resulting in their eyes continuing to grow beyond the point they should stop based on genetics. Which, in turn, results in the focal point from their lens to be in the middle of their eye, instead of being on top of the back of their eye.

It isn’t clear yet, but data seems to suggest so, according to a recent review I found:
“The pathogenesis of myopia is unclear; however, studies have demonstrated that both gene–gene and gene–environment interactions are involved in the pathogenesis of myopia, and multifactorial involvement needs to be considered [6]. A reproducible and repeatedly reported conclusion from a few cross-sectional studies and longitudinal epidemiological studies conducted over the past decade suggests that adequate outdoor activity time among adolescents is considered an effective factor for myopia prevention [19, 20], and this conclusion is also supported by several observational studies on seasonal changes and myopia development. The mechanism of myopia prevention through outdoor activity is most likely related to outdoor light exposure because studies have found that both axial growth and myopia progression are slower during summer months [21].” [Zhang P, Zhu H. Light Signaling and Myopia Development: A Review. Ophthalmol Ther. 2022 Jun;11(3):939-957.]

The focal shift is likely a few percent, not 50 % as you suggest. “A normal axial eye length is 23 to 23.5mm, with males showing 0.5mm longer eyes than females. Myopia tends to occur with axial length over 24mm, and if it gets to more than 26mm this dramatically increases the risk of vision problems in adulthood.” [I would treat those claims with some care, it is taken from a commercial site, which I don’t want to promote. Axial length measurements seems to have high uncertainty and their use is debated. And it is merely correlated with focal length anyway.]

Phil’s sister is hot. 🙂


I am sorry, but I don’t remember Alyson at all. Can anyone link me to her previous appearance(s)?
And – Ethan’s married?!

Wait, Phil has an older sister!? I barely remembered he had a brother but don’t remember the sister at all.

Does Yuki not realize glasses are not (just) a fashion accessory but are used to correct vision problems, which can be genetic? Or is it a comment on them having a similar style for the frames?

She’s mentioned and then a few comics later appears very briefly very early on

I’m fairly sure she was only in one comic, previously. Specifically to hint at Kate that she’s free to boink Phil for the rest of the day, if they wanted. This was after they were evicted from their previous residence while at an Anime Con, and Kate followed Phil back to his hometown & snuck into his bed one night after going to the toilet.

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