Shiden – “Don’t worry about it! You worry too much! You worry over nothing!”
Phil – “Wow, thanks! *Immediately finds something new to worry about*”
Shiden – “We are just wasting our time trying to convince him with logic… We should just distract him or something.”
Naoko – “*Sigh* Yeah…”

Not… necessarily. o_o
I was gonna suggest someone jingle something shiny in front of him, but on second thought it might be better to ask him something nerdy and get him monologuing.
nah, his nerves
you were tricked into thinking coke was pepsi for a few years
Kidnapping the bride is a classic trope.
Probably the wrong day to distract him with boobs. Ask him about the weirdest monster that he’s come across IRL and is present in a DnD monster manual.