I’ll be home late Sunday night so long as my flight comes in on time- there should be a filler for the 4th of July too! Hope you all have a great weekend, I’m gonna be working my butt off while also trying to have a good time O_O. Man… A lot of my friends really are furries. Am I furry by association?

We can call your friend circle furryniched?
Have furr … er, fun!
Not by association no, but some of your pinups might implicate you a bit.
But on a slightly different note I just recently learned that Twokinds Tom is Markipiers little brother, which is just such a suprising small world moment.
“Different” note!? Welcome to the furry world!
That is way late, my FA account alone is about 15 years old at this point.
Tom is the Older brother actually…
Oh oops. Must have misheard Mark.
I learned that from Tom himself when I met him at SD Comic Con several years ago. He pointed to Markiplier’s *huge* booth across the Dealer Hall, and said sometime to the effect of, “So my brother’s doing pretty well for himself…”
That was a revelation, lol.
Semi furry perhaps? Anyways, have a great time at the con!
Didn’t Tom say he wasn’t a furry?
There, that’s one
Whelp, looks like I’ll have to add another title to my VC too! XD
Bah, furry, non-furry. Cute girls are cute girls I say. (boys too, not to discriminate) Hope you’re having a great weekend.
On my way home now! Weekend was great. Very busy, didn’t sell a ton of books, but got to hang out with a TON of great people.
I ( and probably very few others) have another problem with a page, and again my own fault for reading on a screen much too small for such a detailed image — the image of Flora is so well done that almost all the stylization is invisible on the little screen, pushing the realism up to the uncanny valley.
Just checked on a bigger screen — sure enough, the problem disappears on the larger screen. My bad!
Only you can decide whether or not you’re a furry, but I’d say attending a furry convention gives you furry points. That said… Were you at Anthrocon? I was there! If I had known, I’d have tried to look for you! Not that finding you would have been easy among over 9000 attendees, but I would have at least tried.