Temperature around here sure has dropped considerably. SO! Most of you should have seen this character before from last year. She’s a D&D character of mine that I do some stories and stuff with. She’s not stupid, but she is a major tease to some of her friends. She’s a cleric of the goddess of Love and I love the lore o_o. So… Why is she featured here? Well my Birthday is this week! Not today, but I generally like to do a filler for my birthday and a filler for Thanksgiving. Even though this year they are- the same day. So there will be no Thanksgiving filler! Well there will, It just won’t be thanksgiving themed. I just wanna draw something fun that doesn’t require a lot of thought, no mashed potato based trauma or anything like that. The poor girl has suffered enough! So! This may be the birthday filler, but my birthday isn’t until Thursday. Where I will pretend people all across the United States will be having feasts in my honor!

Giving thanks for the joy and beautiful art you bring throughout the year. Have a wonderful birthday and Thanksgiving.
Congratulations to your Big Days!
And congratulations to us for the Casual Filly. Yes, my nitpick on spelling follows causally from the misspell of casual – I cannot do else.
Casual and Suppose are two of my most frequently misspelled words. I’m sure there’s a few others out there, but I know those two are some of the ones I mess up the most!
Well, it gives a LOT of Cold Resistance… so much that you actually have to dress down so you don’t get over heated! A flaw? I call it a perk :p
Maybe just add some questionable white globs to the pin up art and say its mashed potatoes, we could speculate all day, but never be 100% sure.
good thinking
oh birthday filler I saw that and thought it was some kinda holiday filler and not going to lie was pretty mad for second feeling like everyone is just rushing to christmas even here . . .nice filler
Hat Of Comfort, Makes you feel comfortabele no matter where you are or what you wear.
I would gladly share body warmth with her.