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Bonding Through Laughter

Bonding Through Laughter published on 20 Comments on Bonding Through Laughter

Hey everyone! Welcome back, hope you had a good weekend. I have the test print, it looks great, but I don’t have the USB cable for this phone I borrowed to take the pictures, but I should have it later this week. So, I’ll probably post them with Wednesday’s update. The book looks great and I am really excited! Don’t forget- if you want a copy click the image bellow to donate for a pre-order! Thanks again!


Well now I have to watch the Avengers Rifftrax.

Well of course The Avengers isn’t perfect, but still pretty damn good.
I think all this laughter may lead into something, but that’s just me…

Yeah it’s a great movie, it’s both action packed and funny enough that they can get away with a lot because it’s so good. That said, there are plenty of things to make fun of and plenty of bits to do. You probably know that when there isn’t anything specific to make fun of a riffing group will throw in a bit like two riffers arguing a point or saying something is about to happen like “Oh and what next? A flying gorilla?” Only for the next scene to introduce a flying gorilla. Point is, fun stuff, and the girls have fun watching it 😛

It’s nice to see them enjoying themselves.
So – how are the pre-orders going? meeting expectations, so far?

Pre-orders are going well. About as expected. Still hoping to double the current number to match the estimates and to cover enough to pay for the extra books. Shipping was a bit higher than my initial estimates however, it’s still within the budget. It’s just a little tighter than I like it so here is hoping all the books come in undamaged so I don’t loose a lot from that. Damages from shipping is something that is hard to account for.

are you gonna be coming to Otakon? if so I’d prefer to buy one there.

No I will not be able to go to Otakon. Wish I could but I just cannot afford to go to many conventions, especially since my job has me working weekends. Currently, I will be going to Nekocon this year (as I do every year) and I might be going to Orlando for Megacon next year- if everything works out, Megacon is still an unknown because it requires I fly and take off more time from work etc etc.

Wow, you can tell this was posted in the late AM before going to bed- look at what happened to my numbering XD How did I miss that?! I must have had it selected when selecting my font types and it auto corrected the selected text. Gotta fix that when I get home from work!

such good times happening with those two. part of me is waiting for blue to mess it up, however.

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