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Checking Dreams

Checking Dreams published on 24 Comments on Checking Dreams

Michelle and Nami have their little chat while walking down the hall (Hallways in dire need of some posters or something. Sure the complex is huge and there’s tons of hallways but couldn’t he do something to make the place feel less sterile? Oh wait- I’m the artist, maybe I should make him fix that…) Michelle got all the clues that Nami couldn’t get, but she had to wait for Nami to figure it out. If she had just sat Nami down and told her she might have just rejected it and gone back to stage one!
So I’m working all the time on the book. I have found out a few things about doing the preorders, and it’s a bit tricky. I think Monday I will have a full report and probably start taking preorders in a week or two. I gotta take a break at some point though or else I’m gonna become a zombie. I see a bunch of friends getting on Left 4 Dead 2 again lately. I think they are practicing for when I turn…


Wise choice going to Michelle, Nami.
Guess Toyoko didn’t work out after all, lol.

If people could see my dreams, I’d sure have a lot of explaining to do.

You and me both, brother.

you can’t escape the forehead kisses, you just can’t. you also can’t escape the sweater puppies michelle is sporting, they look like bloodhounds.

Looks like nami is poking Michelle in a certain area… Insert quagmire associated sound-bite

How does it look like she’s poking her if she is specifically keeping her hand far enough away while wanting to push her away?

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