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Phil and Hue continue to learn about how Phil’s powers work, and they are continually impressed by the methods that the null ability uses to protect it’s user.  So areas recently affected by magic hold enough magic still to be prevented from having an effect on the Null. If a rock were to be thrown into the air with magic and then left for gravity to do it’s thing, it would loose momentum and fall to the side because it had recently been touched by magic. Yet, some things act differently. Why do some thing stop and drop, while other things return from where they came? Why was Lia able to control water into a fluid and gaseous form around Phil? Is it possible that the null power can somehow determine what is a negative effect of magic and a positive effect? Or is there something more behind it? Is Sage done asking questions? Or is he just getting started?  Yeah he’s done, later folks! ^_^


Phil is Imagine Breaker… If you get that reference you get 10 internet cookies.

Touma is way cooler than Phil. But Phil is way more fortunate.

Agreed. Touma’s stuck with Index. Phil’s stuck with Kate. There’s really not that much of a contest there. 😛

Touma does have a little Misaka on the side though, so it’s not all bad. Of course, he also ends up in the hospital a lot more often…

I don’t know, I think Touma is more fortunate, while Touma has lots of bad luck, he also has insanely good luck, just not the kind of luck you would normally notice, including crowley making a bad decision related to him, and being liked by at least three beings who could wipe the floor with anyone in Yosh, and one who is essentially a god. Phil on the other hand, seems to have plain old good luck, with his friends, and enemies.

Welp, that pretty much answers my questions. The energy of Magic doing work is stored, so work is undone in the presence of the Null, causing entropy to decrease.
Aaand that’s the second law of thermodynamics out of the window. For every one we fix, we break another….
Also, cue Phil running around the hole filling it in like dragging a window across a frozen Windows Background, leaving behind images of itself. I can see it and now you can too.

So Phil can never walk over a magical tunnel or he will trap anyone in it. So what happens when something is in the space Phil ”undigs”?

Is there something more behind it? Is Sage done asking questions? Find out after the break!
Phil’s power is a lot more complex than it seems when summed up as ‘an immunity to magic.’ It makes my head hurt a little but a lot of thought has clearly gone into this- true devotion and a really interesting (and seriously cool) story mechanic. XD

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