We’ve seen “death curses” before. When the previous Magi of Power died, she created thousands of exploding balls of lightning. Making a demons wings disintegrate?
That’s pretty harsh.
We’ve seen “death curses” before. When the previous Magi of Power died, she created thousands of exploding balls of lightning. Making a demons wings disintegrate?
That’s pretty harsh.
I have to say, I am still pretty confused at how this turned out. So Lia died, and used a death curse (released in her death) to beat him?
EDIT: Haha, I can flag my own post as inappropriate?
hmmm now in that last frame imagine phil having a smile as well and you have a total saddist xD
Umm, why did my previous comment disappear?
Ooo! Phil’s lookin’ pretty badass in that final panel!
Watch out guys! We got a badass over here!
Phil the executioner, nice
It’s all about the execution
time to guess what sound effect(s) that will come when Phil bash the demon’s head in. I guess there will be at least a whack.
Whack? I’m thinking more of a BOOM!!
And a massive dust pillar.
cant wait to see the size of this crater thats about to be made!
iknow right? It will be so awesome!
not to mention the mess it will make as a byproduct of a demon’s skull braking in to thousands of fragments
Yeah i would not want to be the poor guy that has to clean up afterwards

but i guess having one of those horns would be pretty nice
not what i ment. i mean this is the first real kill that phil does with this staff that we all saw and i pitty phil for having to clean the thing since he got is all bloody(hope it does not stain it)
Phil actually looks scary in that last panel.
Meh. Harsh, shmarsh. The thing’ll regenerate down in wherever it came from, right? The demon realm or whatever? It’ll just take it a thousand years or so.
I’m hoping that’s not an ACTUAL death curse. Just what she was preparing. Cus, ya know… DEATH curse? Meaning Lia died? That would be sad and bad.
He’s not saying “Wrong” because the demon won’t live. He’s saying “Wrong” because Lia didn’t use a death curse
That’s my theory. Also, cue one demon head asploding.
So Phil decided to give Lia a hand but turning the demon intentionally toward the mirage Lia. He needed a bit of help doing this, he could only see the real Lia, being the Null and all. He asked Kate where Lia was, to which she gave him 2 locations. He simply ran toward the area Kate pointed out, where he could see no Lia, and started babbling. Diversion successful.
Wrong. He didn’t need Kate to point him at the illusion. He can see illusions just fine, but he can also see that they are illusions. He knew which one was the illusion and ran toward it all by himself.
It looks like some kinda anti-phil… Lihp?
GAH! I’m trying to get to 5 stars, but it’s going into the negatives instead! o.0
next comic definetly gonna hurt for the demon.
also good job pil looks pretty badass like in the last panel when hes mostly shadowed out with shining glasses.
Couldent agree more

It’s gonna be fun to see what that demon’s going to do before Phil whacks him in the head with that staff of his. Whack and demon head was seen no more
demon: oh no no no no no no
phil: the deed id done. … OH WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT! SOMEONE GET THE MEDIC?!!!
Yep, Phil always looks badass like that. I really need to see if it works for me – get some clever lighting in my evil lair…
Badass monster whomping Phil is badass.
my bet is with aussie bloke’s theory (not a death curse)- cause if u look at pannel 1, u kinda notice the demon’s figure changed, though i could be mistaken lol.
for once i feel bad for the demon that next comic is going to suck for it
I really hope that wasn’t a “death curse”, she’s the coolest of the magi and probably going to be a critical part of stopping the life and death magi.
Who’s up for a round of Whack-a-mole?
Correction: Whack-a-demon
Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. How ’bout Whack-an-Imp?
Or whack-a-whelp?
O_O noooooo! I don’t want Kia to die
she is so not dead its an illusion that his wings are gon phil is a nise sweet boy he whould be all upset and tery if lia had die’ed not leaping in to action. its Kate i feel for she cant see that lia is alive and thinks she just lost a friend
I imagine sounds suck as boom , whiff, smack, and crack, with their appropriate batman word flashing and music in the batground… i mean back ground
Phil’s staff + Demon head = No more demon
Heh, Phil gets even. This demon hit him in the head with a staff back when he was still in Axel, and now he gets to repay the favor.
With added results!
Noooooes, sage don’t let Lia die! Let her cast Mulligan! D:
Phil is kinda too badass here. I mean, he slides down a mountain like a pro and then approaches the demon with shadow on his face and stuffs, plus a one-liner ready. The Phil I used to know would fall down from the mountain in a way that would break half of the bones of a normal man, and then completely accidently manage to land the staff on demon’s head.
Wait… Wait… …….wait… Phil has an evil side? I am intrigued!
not realy he’s just mad i think
Phil looks so badass in this comic! I mean he slides down the mountain towards the demon WITHOUT falling over and has the whole ‘you messes with the wrong guy’ kinda look in the last panel! But… isn’t a ‘death curse’ meant to mean certain death?
not if it is done properly. if it was done with the power of an illusion like what Lia did she had enough time to create a safe guard to protect her from the side effects of the death cures and and for the certain death it varies from magi to magi. ex: the death magi is instant kill and it goes for fire and power (some what) as for earth and water their death curses are more of the slow acting kind like some poisons and are more in tuned with life then death
Actually in this sense, it is a curse cast upon death, using whatever power they have left in an attempt to kill or gravely injure the person/s that killed them
So that means Lia is dead D:
Phill, in the jungle, with the Staff of doom.
this demon sucks
penpen 1
axle 1
lia 1
demon 0
that is going to be one hell of a deadache