As usual, took the holiday to relax a bit- sorta. Actually Sunday was not only Easter but my mother’s birthday and we had a join celebration for my 3 Nephews Birthdays as well (as they are all pretty close together in general). So I spent a lot of time with the family. Still, Fun picture to draw ^_^

Oh Nami….Always falling for Blues traps…….It will never end!
Well, considering how cute and kinky Blue is, I’d fall for her traps too, nyao!
omg this is beyond adorable…sexy too, but oh so damned adorable, lol
it doesn’t get any cuter
FanTAStic! Grumpy Bunny Nami is Best Bunny!
I love the fact that she did this for blue. She is opening u
Try telling that to Deadpool.
Nami is so kawaii when she’s grumpy~ Especially in a bunny outfit~!
The 4th wall is also a fragile thing. Once it goes, things are never truly the same.
To be fair, that -is- a more traditional Easter outfit. Easter was originally the holiday celebrating the germanic fertility goddess Eostre (pronounced Easter). That’s why the bunnies and eggs, it’s celebrating sex & babies. So a sexy bunny outfit is -very- much an easter bunny outfit. Just when the roman catholics took over germanic pagan lands, they hijacked the holiday and toned down the sexual aspects of it.(The Roman Catholics were such prudes!)
you have ruined and made easter better at the same time
what? no outside is public the only one damaging the forth wall is the person mentioning it
Every time I see how much Blue and I are alike in too many ways, I wonder if the two of us weren’t separated at birth…