Well there’s an explanation no one asked for! Which according to story telling 101 it might become important to know that. It’s also true Penpen does keep some weird things around, but we don’t venture into his room much… maybe we should? It’s a bit cold though. Have a great weekend everyone!
I am going to have to inspect every robot girl in every future page, and certain past pages, for this eye thing. You have created a monster, Sage. I will not let this go.
Damn right.
You mean you guys didn’t notice that before? I think Lillith and Lien might be exceptions to that though.
Miyo, Lien, Saoko, Michelle, Rieko (probably doesn’t count; she wasn’t made by Shiden’s machine)… uh, does the tiny R&D lass have a name yet?
Just checked through and both Lien and Lillith have eyes that match hair as well. (( took a long archive crawl to tell with Lien though )) I think the little R&D lass has a name but Phil has yet to tell us what it is … Bad Phil.
We already knew that about Michelle.
That was terrible.
So why am I laughing so hard?
Because you have a sense of humor? XD
Laughter is a defense mechanism for when you get caught in a terrible pun?
So group study time? Kate studies how to make/use magic artifacts, Michelle trains how to identify the auras?
not a bad idea
didnt the sayako or whatever the one resembling the horror well girl was called also have prototype eyes?
yes but she sees things through sound
Well golly! She can see The Colour of Magic!
interesting new ability introduced to the andro-girls. can’t wait to see what the other ground rules are.
Michelle: Why do you look so shocked?
Kate: Because I found out you have the ability to detect magic and for no other reason!
hmm. my Rss has decided that only the bonus comic is worth worrying about..
nice work on this one, never noticed that