I personally think the Supergirl movie is truly terrible. One of the worse movies I have ever seen, and I love it. I love this movie so much, because I really wonder how they made this. Who thought this script was good? How did they not go “wow, what have we done?” Now there are far worse movies, but because of this movies connection to comics, and some of my favorite old movies, it is so much fun to make fun of. I recently lent it to a friend of mine and he… Was very upset that I let him borrow it. Goooood times.
Wait- does that mean this comic is just my feelings on that movie? That would be a waste of some Nami and Blue stuff… Nope, there’s more too it than just that.
Oh and the book pre-orders are still going on- so – click the banner link bellow!
Heh…. Wait, if Supergirl is pretty much a female version of Superman, wouldn’t she also be weakened by magic?
why magic, superman is weak against a rock,
Superman has no special resistance against magic, in fact it’s one of the big things that can harm him quite easily.
Specifically, to elaborate on Eltharrion’s words:
Superman is only Super under the light of Yellow Sun. Superman is weak to a rock. Superman’s super durability has zero effect on magic effects. Which means that a simple kitchen knife with handy “self-sharpening and better-cutting” charm will be enough to kill him if you can land a hit on him.
Good job on making Superman sound like a bitch…
That’s not entirely true actually. He is still relatively resistant, as its been shown that a magical knife won’t just effortlessly cut him and kill him. Granted this changes all the time because different writers- however, there are many instances of Superman getting hit by magic or magically enhanced beings and them just being more effective. Generally speaking magic cuts through what they call his bioelectric field which is where most of his invulnerability comes from. That said, when he’s super charged from the sun- even magic can’t stop him.
One example, Superman and Shazam animated short. Black Adam hits Superman with a bolt of magic lightning. It hurt him- but didn’t outright kill him as it would a normal human. So he’s still resistant, just not magic proof!
sage there problem with that the lighting bolt used elemental magic just changed its form, true magic energy can kill him since magic in the dc universe needs to gain energy to do actual damage, so if i was to use say wand from mytxliplick’s realm that’s shoots non use of any elemental energy or anything that borrows from laws of science that governs the DC universe, thats why the lighting bolt only hurt him due it was partially resisted
It doesn’t matter if it is elemental magic (which it wasn’t because it was a bolt of magic that looked like lightning), if you argue that it doesn’t count then no magic counts because a magical weapon just enhances the weapon and isn’t “true magic”. Creatures from the 5th dimension basically warp reality, which is pretty much it’s own thing and not science or magic (though they generally call it magic because it’s the easiest way to explain him – his powers are totally different from that of Dr Fate and Zatana).
So yeah, magic can kill Superman, but he is still resistant (or super durable) despite being weaker to it.
Superman has no resistance to magic and tends to be effected by summoned things as much as if it weren’t magic. Lightning has had an effect on him in numeral occasions, it being summoned just made it more usable. His lack of resistance is more or less meant towards things that would directly affect him. IE tossing a magic rock at him might annoy him, while turning him into a frog would make him nearly powerless. In the end an item will deal as much damage to him as needed for the story to be exciting. Some days he might be able to swing a train around, other days he struggles catching one. Which ever causes more drama is what they use.
Off topic- If a magic user ported a piece of kryptonite into Supermans skull, wouldn’t it be incredibly easy to kill him.
Yep, Superman is so awesomely powerful he can only be defeated by FRICKIN’ GODS and WIZARDS! Or by someone with a green rock. Or maybe someone with a lot of red lights. Sure, it would have to be a special type of red light, but it’s not too hard to replicate a red stars spectrum.
That’s the thing with superman. He’s both insanely overpowered (Although there are enough overpowered beings for him to fight for it remains interesting), and yet pathetically weak in the right circumstances.
Edit: Enough overpowered beings for Superman to fight against that it remains interesting.
true, all they’d need to do is tint the sky to change the yellow suns glow into a red stars. then superman won’t be super… how come none of the villains superman faces i can recall EVER thought of that?
edit: thinking on it, probably because the sky doesn’t work like that, still it sounds like something some of the magic inclined villains he fights would try.
Actually, something similar has been done at least once in one of the various animated series runs. There was also the time the villain of the episode used satellites to filter the rays of the sun to make a red sun effect. Of course, Superman still won in the end because if he loses the series is kind of over.
It has been done, or at least similar to that. A living sun monster villian altered the sun into a red sun creation. Superman won using some kind of solar suit that either filtered the rays into yellow sun radiation or supplied it to him.
eh admitablly i haven’t watched every series/movie of superman. so it’s not really surprising that i’m being informed someone tried it. ideas are like dimes there are dozens out there. odds are someones gotta have a similar idea at some point.
*points at the long debate*
I take credit for this, people.
nope because super girl is from alternate universe and was sent to this universe due if i remember right her universe was going to explode or inplode
Well, if Blue and Nami are going the “no sex” route, that movie’s the perfect way to kill any buzz.
Yeah…that is a god awful movie…*gets the popcorn. and the vacuum, because a lot is going to be thrown at the screen*
Hey – I just donated – your ty page (“thank you”?) has gone awol…
Guilty pleasures… everyone pretty much has at least one. XD
Well, it can’t be any worse than Mazes & Monsters. Yes, it is a spinoff parody of D&D. In the 80’s. And there’s a ninth level player chick.
Mazes and Monsters isn’t really a spin off or parody of D&D. It’s a movie based on a book about an actual event that was misinterpreted by the author and many of the investigators. It’s basically a PSA based on false information. Also you could argue Supergirl is worse, especially if you are familiar with the stories of Supergirl. Besides watch this clip… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9GXEpgQwm0
Wow… that clip… I see.
Hee, my favorite ‘bad’ movie (though I seem to be oblivious to whatever qualifies it as a ‘bad’ movie, I enjoy it! xD) is The Adventures of Pluto Nash :3
awww, they’re bonding over how bad the movie is. maybe this would be a more tender moment if they were watching a better movie.
Ever done a “bad movie night?” Me and a couple of friends would take turns bringing bad movies to watch every Thursday in college just so we could mock them.
I did – We watched Shaolin Soccer, Surf Ninjas, and Monster Squad. I love Monster Squad too XD
I wonder if nami and blue will watch another superhero flick after supergirl? God let it be Batman 1989.
hehe i loved the old super girl movie it was so bad it was good
The supergirl movie does let someone stand with mixed feelings – especially if you’ve seen the German version first, which was cut down to 90 minutes from the original 121 minutes…
I had to search for the english version after learning that because in the german version, a lot of things made even less sense than in the original (it was toned toward the action side when being cut down and missing a lot of the scenes needed to explain details)
Maybe Phil has a copy of Hawk the Slayer sitting around….