Blue is aware that Phil cannot resist Blue’s methods of getting what she wants. Don’t forget about that poll thing in the bar to the right over the Twitter feed!
Blue is aware that Phil cannot resist Blue’s methods of getting what she wants. Don’t forget about that poll thing in the bar to the right over the Twitter feed!
“Condition is satisfied. Access granted.”
dam blue is very persuasive.
Best reason ever.
Well, Nami never said that it has to be a GOOD reason.
Who said that wasn’t an excellent reason? I like that reason; ’tis spiffy!
I don’t think that was a joke if it’s coming from blue
Oh Phil, y u so silly? X3
Well, maybe it’s a good enough reason for him?
Nami should probably specified “a good reason”, but maybe Phil would have agreed with Blue that creating a “sexy lesbian harem” is a good reason. Anyway – there’s an out of place seeming full stop between “her” and “reason”. A comma would work better, I’m guessing that’s what was intended.
Welp! Good as reason as any!
Is anyone even realizing, that Phil is wearing a Black Belt?
she hands him that excuse, and he lets her by anyway. remind me never to hire phil to guard my valuables, i’d feel like i’m hiring someone to hand out my money than guarding it.
Leave it to our girl Blue to trip Phil’s trigger. It’s a wonder he didn’t fail open on this one.
Phil’s speech bubble “Just, my training” shouldn’t have a comma there, whereas “if you ask about her. Get a reason first” should instead of the period.
I did not know sentences had genders.
Har har har. Hey, I sound like a pirate!