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Freezing Up

Freezing Up published on 30 Comments on Freezing Up

First off, no, she hasn’t been standing like that the whole time while the Michelle and Kate stuff has been going on. I just didn’t want to add a note in the comic saying “at an earlier time!” because that’s silly.  Also, whenever I think of that, I immediately think of “MEANWHILE! AT THE LEGION OF DOOM!” Then there’s a ton of jokes that go on after that – all of which are far too geeky to place in my blog without everyone thinking I talk like Neil from Family Guy. Btw I am not good at doing his voice, but I have a friend that does a great impression of him.


We all knew that Blue was terrible at making people feel comfortable around her, but she’s just not trying any more is she?
I’ve got it. She’s a sadist. Don’t ask me why, but that’s just my impression of her after she’s been endlessly following and torturing various girls. I just generally dislike people like that.

Whoa man, that’s a bit harsh. She isn’t that bad. She’s… A creeper. Y’know, an extreme stalker. I used to be a huge creeper. Eventually one of the girls I creeped on became my girlfriend. We’ve been dating for over a year and a half now. Kinda mirrors what blue does.

Depends on what you define as creeping. When the creeping gets too creepy, you call the police and get that dude arrested before he rapes you. Not that I’m implying anything like that about Blue, but…
“I like you. I don’t care if you like me or not, or have completely come to terms with it or not, are still confused about it or not… I like you, and you’re going to like me, and I’ll in your face until ya do, doing everything I can to make you feel awkward and inadequate, and gonna act like I know you like it.”
My view of Blue in a nutshell.

There’s a lot of ways to say this but this one is the easiest. You are wrong. Blue has said she doesn’t want to push her too much, she backed off a lot when she realized Nami was getting really uncomfortable. Blue even JUST had a conversation with Kate about how she loves Nami, but if Nami just can’t love her back- she’d give up and just want to be her friend.
Truth is, a lot of friends show their affection by doing things to make them feel uncomfortable because they know they will let them get away with it. I have a friend who occasionally looks at me and starts singing a song from Scrubs, it’s both terribly uncomfortable and hilarious. He wouldn’t do it if we weren’t friends though.

I probably have Issues.
Might be selective memory. It’s been almost a year since I read the whole thing through (first and last), so I should probably do that and refresh my memory on ALL the things everyone has done. I often forget things… either details, or anything BUT the little details. It’s weird. And probably my fault.

She won’t bite? Shame, I was hoping some hickeys would be exchanged. XD

Biting isn’t necessary to give a hickey, just suction. 😉

In other words, if you throw someone into space, they’ll get a Giant Hickey!
…And die.
…And freeze.
…And they wouldn’t love you anymore because you are a terrible jerk who only cares for yourself and are willing to throw your friends into space to see whether they get a giant hickey and so they all died and don’t love you anymore even though you love them for who they are.
P.S.: Polysyndeton!

wow, just wow. Either nami was stalling for quite a while, or blue has some hidden cameras in places. either way, my money’s on blue having hidden cameras in the complex, wouldn’t surprise me.

I’d guess more to do with the fact that Blue’s a cat-based chimera. The ears aren’t JUST for letting us know what mood she’s in. 😛 So unless Nami was specifically trying to be stealthy, I’d guess Blue heard footsteps, went to the door…and proceeded to watch through the peephole, lol.

okay, that explains why she was waiting at the door like that. I still think she has hidden cameras all over the place, especially in the ladies showers.

I have to admit, I wouldn’t put it past her…except pretty sure Shiden’s robot ladies would PROBABLY have an issue with that, since they run the place’s security. Totally can see Blue doing that, though, lol.

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