Happy Halloween… Tomorrow. Have fun! Stay safe! I’m almost done with Stranger Things season 2!
I draw the girls all the time for Halloween so here’s a twist. If you don’t know the character, I suggest watching Konosuba. Later! Ooooh this episode is called “The Mind Flayer”! My favorite!

If Phil wasn’t immune to getting magically turned into a girl, that could happen to him and we might not notice for a bit, since he’s that girly. Like Tedd from EGS
Pity that Dan went and said the TF gun is affected by magic resistance
Imagine the possibilities
Imagine an EGS/Yosh crossover!
I’m sure all of us would love a lesbian make-out session between Phil and Kate
I’m holding out for a foursome between girl!Phil, Kate, Blue, and Grace, myself. Yuri is love, yuri is life, nyao! ^_^
pls no gender bender.. Ive seen enough.. to see where that leads..
yea, used to be funny. now its just another worn cliche.
Well it is terrifying in a way.
Now I wanna see Kate’s costume, nyao!
Of course, some time it might be fun to see a Yosh/Artifcial Incident “crossover” with characters from Yosh cosplaying as AI chara and vice versa… (Maybe as an Aril Fool’s day joke?)
You could look at last year’s Halloween Filler.
You’re right… forgot about that. Now you need to have Kaylin and Nyna dress up as Kate and Blue to complete the joke!
we need more picks of phil dressing up in costumes
I vote we dress him up as Lekho Habhoka from Final Fantasy 11 sometime, nyao! (He’s the only male Mithra we ever see in-game, which is why I voted for him.)
You would love a ilthid
That’s a kinda confusing statement because Illithids are Mindflayers.
oh man i butchered the spelling. thats what i get for commenting so late at night while exhausted from trying to keep up with 6 nieces on sugar rushes. but yes i was saying you would love illithids.
But still the comment is odd. It is like if I said “I like cats.” and you replied “Then you would like felines” XD
ah. so most dnd players fear the mention of a illthid but your wording expressed excitement. I guess I was calling you weird… sorry I guess.