Kaylin from my other comic Artificial Incident dressed as Pirotess from Record of Lodoss War, and Kate as Mona from Genshin Impact (Mona is best girl). Comic will resume Monday! Oh- Also streaming tonight at 9pm EDT over at Picarto.tv/SageSaga

Kaylin from my other comic Artificial Incident dressed as Pirotess from Record of Lodoss War, and Kate as Mona from Genshin Impact (Mona is best girl). Comic will resume Monday! Oh- Also streaming tonight at 9pm EDT over at Picarto.tv/SageSaga
Cute outfits!
Wait, is one of them based of Genshin Impact?
You guessed it!
The other is Pirotess, from the Record of Lodoss War franchise. 🙂
. . . Y’all could have just read the description, it says who and what they are from!
Yes, but it’s much more fun to recognize them for oneself. 🙂 Besides, the description comes after the comic, meaning one reads and recognizes (or not) before one even gets to it.
I loaded up the page not expecting Halloween (work’s got my mental calendar borked) but saw Pirotess and was like “OMG, immediate more love” because Lodoss War was one of the first anime I saw and it was a huge connect for me as a D&D nerd as well. I’m just glad it’s still getting love and attention.