Comic resumes Wednesday!
Dakimakura/Body Pillow cases are still for sale! Think of it, early into this new year you could be hugging Nyna or Kaylin as you drift off to sleep. Or you know, just use her as a normal pillow or even just hang the pillow case on the wall for some cool art stuff. Details bellow!
I put Nyna and Kaylin from Artificial Incident on Pillow Cases! I ordered a very small number of them. So supply is very limited. I don’t have a store or anything setup, so I’m putting information here and other places. Here is the picture of the two pillows art, back and front. Yes, two different images on each side of the same character.
As for pricing, since these are extremely limited and part of a test in doing merch I didn’t want it to cost too much so I decided on a price of 40USD each not including shipping. The shipping within the US is 5USD and Canada is 16USD. Other international shipping is varied by location but I do know Australia is 24USD so I expect it to be similar to that. I also know that shipping in the US for two of them is actually more expensive than sending them separately (12USD to send 2 in the same package while 5 each for separate packages, so I will probably opt to send 2 and charge 10 dollars for shipping if you buy both, International for both is unknown but the 24USD might be up to a weight that makes it unchanged for two, I don’t know for sure).
So! How do you order? Well… E-mail me! Yeah I know, I would prefer to do a store or something but this is just a test. So! If you are interested send me an email at with the subject “Daki” and include the following information.
Which Daki you want or if you want both.
What country you are having the item shipped to.
Your paypal e-mail (So that I may send you an invoice and at THAT point I will get shipping information. This way if you are too late to order one you haven’t given me personal information you may not want me to have for no reason).
If someone requests it but doesn’t pay on the invoice I will go to the next person. There’s a very limited number of each. Also, these are just the pillow cases, not the pillow itself. You can order a pillow for them online from amazon for like 10-15 bucks.
Again the price is 40USD with shipping being 5USD each in the US and 16USD to Canada, 24USD to Australia and similar for shipping outside of the US. (In case you are confused by me saying USD- USD is United States Dollars)
If you want both that’s 80USD + shipping.
I still have some left. One of the two is almost sold out already so make sure you get your order in while you can. If you need time to get the money put the order in now and I will hold the order for a few weeks if you need the time.