Comic Resumes Friday! Don’t forget to check out Artificial Incident over at as I don’t get to take breaks there! 😀 (By choice! No one is forcing me to work on Christmas day- but I did it anyways o_o)
Yuki hanging out under the fireworks – Btw- I did draw Yuki’s body in the sketch and even when I inked it- but I wanted the tails in to do the color of the fireworks in the silky tails…

Beautiful; ethereal. 🙂
A fireworks of foxtails!
I think it captured Yuki well, what we have seen so far.
Oh, and a happy new year!
Ah, it seems we’ve come to the tail end of the year already.
beautiful tails
Happy new year love the Yuki Illustration
Happy New year, hope you guys have a delightful year full of blessings.
A sky of fireworks with a fan of foxtails, some might think such a display would ruin the fireworks but just like cracks in kintsugi art instead it completes and enhances, it draws you in and you want to join in the moment. Makes me miss not being able to stay up new year’s night. Blessings to everyone