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Happy New Years 2013

Happy New Years 2013 published on 26 Comments on Happy New Years 2013

Thank you all for your donations and help with the rough time last week. So far it seems like I’ve gotten most of the kinks out the programs, and got almost everything how I like it (Except this weird error where I’m using the eraser tool with a low flow and every so often it just goes to max for no reason. It’s really annoying! XD). Hope everyone has a fantastic new year! Good to get back into the swing of things! Enjoy the sexy Mihari! 😀


Sage…I hope to god that isn’t a real cell number. Because what you’ve done here is you’ve subjected someone who’s never even heard of this site to endless prank calls asking for a “Ms. Blue” and saying they’d like to return a lost furry.

It’s a 555 number. It’s the universal number for use in films and fiction, it was set aside just for use in movies, TV etc so no one will have those calls so long as they use it (Though some people have said they think the use of a 555 number pulls people out of the “experience” and dont use them, and that’s just silly…)

As long as Mihari is near straight guys, she will never need worry about wrinkles in her dress. The steam coming off her admirers will eliminate any wrinkles.

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