Toyoko has been making clothes for Naoko, so she frequents her place for fittings! But what could Phil want to talk to her about now? In other news, the time of super busy stuff is on it’s way. I’ve got a list of things to do, and a list of things to do after that list of things to do is done. Here’s hoping that it all gets done this week! XD
Seriuosly, I would love to own stock in a bra company if I lived in the Yosh universe. Is there any woman living there who’s smaller than a C-cup?
one or two
And you are complaining why ?!?
Toyoko makes her own bras and would make them for others so, no stock options there
But I do have a few girls with much smaller breasts.
Phil wants Toyoko to make the wedding dress
Phil is there to talk to Naoko, not Toyoko. Also it would be rude of Phil to ask Toyoko to do that and not have Kate ask. I’m sure Kate would want to pick out her own dress.
o.o is this the only comic updating right now? i’ve read two others from the katbox site
I update 3 days a week and have done so for almost 9 years. The other artists mostly have a single update per week. Draconia Chronicles updated today as well (He updates every Monday). Aven’s, The Eye of Ramalach, updated yesterday. Caribbean Blue USUALLY updates on Sunday but not always. Some of the other ones im not totally sure about. I think LL updates on Thursdays, but recently there’s been a short break and only the bonus comic has been updated recently (probably busy). Anthronauts updates on Friday’s but Nixie is a busy mother with her little baby ^_^
I almost misread “the time of super busty stuff is on it’s way”. that’s what she does to you, yey Toyoko’s back! ^o^/
Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one.
Phil is there to ask Naoko to perform the wedding.
I’ve got to give Phil credit at maintaining eye contact. I’d already be tempting fate by this point.
same here dude dont worry
Could she officiate maybe? She is a priestess.
Ithink there is two reasons most of the girls in yosh got huge boobs.
A) Sage likes them big.
B) We readers would never dare to complain because there is nothing to complain about.
Those breasts are far too large… Make them smaller nao sage.
Dragonfiend proving people wrong since forever.
Doesn’t Naoko look fetching in that? (Of course, when does she not look fetching? Girl would look cute in a burlap sack…)
Wow. Toyoko would be a natural choice for Kate to ask to make dresses for her and for the wedding party. Hope it turns out that way.