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i hope Blue also mentioned Kate is already taken else it could get awkward real fast, but then it usually does when Blue is involved.

I don’t think Blue is cheating on Nami if they do not have a relationship. Besides, why can’t Blue have a friendship with Michelle??
Also, I think Blue is the kind of person who prefers to love openly and wants to keep it that way. I know a few people that are like that.

I like the straightforwardness, but there is a more polite way to introduce yourself.

It’s more polite then I reply to people I don’t know coming up to me and knowing who I am. My usual reply is ‘Who are you and how do you know me?’. But she covered the ‘how’ part already so the shortened version works for me too. I do NOT like people talking about me without me knowing who they are telling. But then…. not a people person. x]

Right now, there is not sufficient evidence. Blue works with many women, and is a very public figure. She could be a neighbor, a fellow member of her church, or simply a visiting friend. Besides, nothing about the “relationship” with Nami is “exclusive” yet.

Tho…. been a while and am shite with names. Canna remember who Blue is. x]

I don’t recall, have there been ANY … less-than-well-endowed females in Yosh?

Lien is rather flat, Miyo is pretty normal, Rieko is as well, and of course Emi but she’s still pretty young, maybe she’ll “grow out” more but- I doubt it seeing as she is technically Japanese (Though I could go against stereotype but then I’m going with another stereo type XD).

I instantly thought it was Michelle, but now that barely anyone else seems to think so I’m unsure. this girl DOES have, ahem, smaller “landmarks” than michelee, who has always been illustrated to be on toyoko’s level? I don’t want a smaller Michelle, call be perverted if you want to, i don’t care >_<

O_o She’s not supposed to be Toyoko’s size. She’s supposed to be about Blue’s size, maybe a tad larger. Problem is I suffer from CCS, Convenient Cleavage Syndrome. Without thinking characters bust sizes will change slightly for the circumstances. For example, Blue is trying to look sexy and show off her breasts, I’ll subconsciously draw them larger to draw more attention to them. On the other hand, Kate needs to preform an acrobatic dive, so subconsciously I draw the characters breasts smaller to make her look more acrobatic and they dont draw attention as much so the action stays the focus. So it’s both a good and bad thing ^_^;

I have honestly never gotten much about that. I feel dirty for jsut asking, so forgive me, but who is suposed to be, uhm, “superior” in this matter? Toyoko or Blu/Michelle? Also, can I call her Blu? it’s shorter to write and I’m playing far too much TF2. speaking of which, cain’s old comment earlier on about arming his droids (yes i call them droids, I’m too much into sw too x3) with “shovels, like that soldier…” is a TF2 ref/pun, isn’t it? your old strip about kate having nightmares from playing l4d shows that you must have a certain knowledge about valve titles? and I agree, you should do a bust chart to help us keep track, like chalo did for ll. maybe you could ask him/her for advice? keep up the good work, prolly my fav on the katbox next to LL! I really enjoy yours and, Tom was it, he who makes 2kinds, manner of storytelling, and art ofc^^

After looking at some of the other pages with Michelle, that’s definatly her based on the hair color and style, though the angle does make it hard to see Michelle’s eyes.
During the sequence with Lilith, Nami, Michelle, and Blue were all monitoring from the control room, and when Nami left to check on Phil, Blue and Michelle got to talking about the early days when Michelle and Nami where working as a team.

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