Pathfinder is my preferred fantasy pen & paper RPG right now. What is Kate up to with all those books? Btw! Bonus comic is updated as well! Be sure to check it out (quick link on the sidebar!). Mihari recently updated the website so if you notice any problems please report them! A few things are still being fixed, but there are still comics on the site being updated so give her some time.
Have a great weekend!
This is why I hate it when i have to lie. Sooner or later, it comes back to bite me. In her case, it came back sooner.
Sooner OR later, not “it’ stupid typos.
You should be able to edit your posts on this, I know I can ^_^
I edit mine whenever i find out i made a bad typo. Gotta hate those typos.
I was fixing everything else on the site, so I decided to fix your typo too! :3
I’ve yet to find the edit feature. I think it’s because I’m not actually registered/signed in (I use a gravatar tied to my email info for my pic, and none of the available sign in options have my preferred handle)
Neat! I want that function too! I know I’d use it.
Phil, do you run Pathfinder with the Society or a home brewed campaign?
I never call em “Home brewed campaigns” because to me- that’s how you run PnP RPGs! You might use a campaign setting, or a starting adventure, but the DM creates almost everything on their own. So – we play “Home Brews” i guess ^_^
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she’s a decendent of the arch geomancer. Maybe we’ll get to see Kate as a mage, maybe.
Well, she’s definitely feeling underpowered in recent events. Out of everyone she knows the only other ‘normal’ person is Blue. Everyone else is either a ninja, demon, mage/magic-user, robot, super genius, etc. Although personally I’d have gone and talked to Shiden about a magic-powered mech suit, because rocket powered fist of justice. Maybe she and Blue can from the core of a sentai team. They could also go recruit Blue’s bishy internet friend from way back.
Poor Kate. XD Seems she forgot where all of Phil’s monster/magic realted knowledge came from in the first place.
Kate, were you wedding-ing again?
Yeah, my guess is that she’s going to do some research and training on magic. When she was captured way back it was mentioned (can’t remember whether she was there or not, but I think so) that she has some earth magic connections. As for why now, my guess is that she wants to feel like she can do something to help in a combat situation. Being unable to participate time she was near combat was not her fault, but probably hurt her self confidence a bit.
A while back it was said that she was a decendant of the arch geomancer. It was also said however that she didn’t seem to have any powers.
Nice to know that one of my favorite webcomic authors is a pathfinder fan as well
So, have you played Anima, World of Darkness, Shadowrun, Mutants and Masterminds, or maybe something else? All fun systems!
I’ve played Advanced DnD, DnD 3.0, DnD 3.5, Pathfinder, Silver Age Sentinels, Star Wars Saga Edition, Star Wars West End system, BESM Tri Stat and D20, Shadowrun 3rd and 4th editions and a few custom systems. PnP RPGs just can’t be beat.
Can’t argue with you there!
what’s your favorite comp rpg?
Baldur’s Gate 2 Shadows of Amn
hey, noticed the updates to the webpage design and the archives. they’re nice, although the updates to the archive kind of inconveniences me because i was using the by-month way you organized the pages before to catch up and now the archives are just a long list with no distinguishing features separating chapters or months. i should be able to find out where i was in the story, just thought i should get that off my chest.
The archives will be fixed soon.
I would like this better if I didn’t have to scroll the whole way to the bottom of the comment section to get to the comic links every time I want to browse to a new katbox comic.
We’re still working on the mobile and tablet style sheets.
Adding a View Desktop version would be fantastic. Its how I prefer to view things on my mobile devices anyway.
Where might I submit any issues I discover with the site?
Here is fine if you can’t post on the suggestions or bugs reports area of the forums.
I can’t click the link in the sidebar because the new katbox mobile layout doesn’t show the sidebar >_< blarg
The sidebar should be at the bottom of the page on mobile browsers, I’m still working on the mobile style sheets.
when you use the previous page to go back to the latest comic there’s a glitch and it loads the previous comic. just thought i’d report it so that she’s aware of it.
on an unrelated note i’m more of a fan of d&d 3.5
The page froze my whole lap top for a minute, so that miiiggght be a problem >< and as always, great comic~ (big time lurker/reader, 1st time commenter lol)
<- Happens to be a massive Pathfinder fan, so is psyched at this.
Just buy a pre-published adventure path, Kate.
And stop lying, girl! :p
Dibs on Fighter.