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Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas 2012 published on 17 Comments on Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas everyone!  So even if you read the text explaining this on the image, allow me to again say, this picture was sketched by me on this stuff people call “paper” I then took a picture of it with my cell phone (not very good lighting mind you and my lines were really light =_= I dont have a hard drawing surface at home).  I then sent it to Godai who inked it- if you dont know Godai- he’s another Katbox comic artist! He does the comic Rascals! Which you can find by clicking… any of this past 2 sentences! From there we sent it to another friend!  Tony!  Tony does a lot of coloring for Godai and for a lot of the katbox crew in general.  He’s our unofficial-official colorist or something! As for where you can find his stuff, he has a FurAffinity account located at the link that this sentence is!
So anyways, there wont be any filler update on Wednesday as I had hoped, however my computer parts all arrive on Thursday!!!  I’ll be on the edge of my seat with my cell phone refreshing the tracking information and listening for the door bell or a knock at the door(Because sometimes they dont knock or ring! They just drop stuff there and run away)!  I’ll probably also check the door every 15 minutes XD
Once I have everything in I suspect it will take less than a few hours to assemble everything and then I’ll run it up to my room, hook it up and get to work redoing what I lost when it went out last Thursday!  Pretty sure that will be done in time to go up for the Friday update.
Again, thank you everyone for all of your support.  I couldn’t ask for better readers and fans.  The donations I have received have already almost paid for all of the computer parts.  I’ll change the donation image on the side of the site once I get back up and running to let everyone know how much was donated and thus how many bonus comics I owe!
Huge thanks to Mihari for jumping on ordering a new power supply for me.  She found a great one at a low price with some really fast shipping.  As I’ve said before, you can expect to see her in more fillers in the future because unlike many of the other Katbox comics- a cameo of her would be out of place.
Again- Merry Christmas everyone, Happy holidays, and have a great week!
(Here’s the links to Tony’s FA and Godai’s comic again ^_^ Thanks again guys!)
Tony’s FA –
Godai’s Webcomic –


Long time reader, and one of your early commenters upon joining the Katbox. I understand your plight when it comes to a broken computer, my family computer has been out of commission for more than a year now, and we are just getting it fixed. I hope your computer problems go away more quickly than mine did.

“a cameo of her would be out of place”
Make her a demon. Or a robot girl. Or a demon robot girl. Or…

One does not simply draw Mihari as anything else than the furry chick she is portrayed as in this filler.

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