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MomoCon 2016 – More Filler

MomoCon 2016 – More Filler published on 1 Comment on MomoCon 2016 – More Filler

I’ve made it safely home from Atlanta! The convention was a blast. Tom and I had a great time. I totally destroyed my legs walking 6 miles while totally confused and sleep deprived. I ended up in some kinda underground abandoned city thankful lacking in mole people. I got to help one of my best friends sell darn near everything he brought with him, got to talk to a lot of cool people. Met Doug Walker of Nostalgia Critic for a second time and got to meet his brother Rob Walker for the first time. Big fan of his, probably more than Doug as odd as that may seem to people who know who I’m even talking about! XD I really wanted to meet ProJared but all I did was run into him on the elevator once and I didn’t want to be that guy who corners a guy in an elevator that just wants to get back to his room and eat some dinner! Man. Momocon was great. Lot of wonderful people, great locations, hope I can go again someday. If you want to see pictures of the con- I really dont have much. Tom and I mostly just took pictures of our sketches we did while at the table. I highly recommend going over to our Twitter pages and checking them out. There’s a link on the top bar to mine and Tom’s is – Cya Wednesday!

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