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Nice And Toned

Nice And Toned published on 16 Comments on Nice And Toned

Serena is next (but not right away!) There are other things to take care of first. Just setting up his next session.
Now! As for the book! I’ve gotten most of the artists submissions and everything set! I’ve got a few pieces to finish this week before I put everything together. After some research, I realized I cannot do pre-orders with PayPal – HOWEVER! I can do donation GIFTS! Here’s how it will work. I will set up a page in a few weeks to take donations to help fund the book and I will have it set up for probably 25 dollar donations for USA donators and 35 for International donators. Those who donate using that will receive a gift of a book once they come in (Current estimate of getting in the books is probably October- I will keep everyone updated on that information as I get it!). Once the books are in I will then open a Paypal “shop” of sorts to take orders on a limited number of remaining books.
I will be using ALL of the money from the donations to buy as many books as possible minus the costs of shipping for the orders and the order of the books as well.
And finally! Here are some of the artist that have provided artwork for the book! (Not all of them are listed here yet):


somehow i can see serena trying various attacks and phil just standing there without needing to move a bit.
i mean seriously both physically en magically untouchable so to say, that and he can block.

well he probably won’t be standing still per-say, while he’s effectively invulnerable the nullifying effect doesn’t stop momentum. so he’ll probably get knocked around at least, it also doesn’t stop it from hurting.

There was that time he was sparring with Lien, and he blocked what may or may not have been a full force strike without moving when he got distracted by someone else talking to him.
My theory is, he reacts to incoming force because he thinks he should. If he’s too distracted to realize that, he doesn’t, and momentum is nullified. Much like when the demon that was in Axel tried to cave in Phil’s skull and Phil had no reaction because he couldn’t see it happening.
In essence, take off his glasses and give him an earwig, and he’s an invincible tank. (The earwig is so Kate can tell him where to go and which direction to swing the gravity staff.)

though lien did mention she wasn’t running her combat analysis and had probably slowed her kick down to avoid interrupting his conversation. there’s also the time he attempted to use his ability to stop 400psi(or was it just 400 pounds of force?) from lien’s training machine and got sent flying back.
edit: and the demons attack could be argued as magically enhanced and they have mentioned that nothing touched by magic could harm a null.

I love how Phil goes for the fact that she is very fit. unlike other males.

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