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Playing With Dirt

Playing With Dirt published on 19 Comments on Playing With Dirt

Phil seems awfully excited to try things out. He seems to forget the idea that something may actually hurt when he’s too excited to just see the outcome, but the range and actions on his power seems a little odd as well? Inconsistent? Wonder how they will test that? Have a great weekend everyone ^_^


I think that as long as he builds the pit from bottom up, it should work fine against Phil. If the dirt is moved out of the way in a large enough area, and then Phil’s anti-magic-ness stops it a few feet bellow him, the ground beneath him should still collapse and he should fall in.
Just my thoughts.

-Move stone to leave spikes instead of creating them?
-Use magic to slow the vibrations of molecules in an area around him to create a explosive low pressure zone where he is standing?
-Excite molecules to spontaneously combust an area.
-Shield an area around him out of his range and use a vacuum type spell to cause explosive decompression?
-Condense a storm cloud and create a pressure barrier to drown him?
-Indirectly fire projectiles? Wind to launch shrapnel, gravity wells to systematically propel stones?
-A sufficiently learned Earth magi might be able to create machines. Say he mixed gunpowder, would the resulting explosion affect him? Or a rudimentary spear launcher, catapult, Bolo? Would the naturally created projectiles be able to touch him?
-How indirect does the magic have to be to hurt him, basically?

only 1 and 4 would effect Phil, seeing that it was said in the comic that if magic touched it it cannot hurt him

All my ideas are indirectly touched by magic, if anything touched by magic indirectly didn’t effect him he would probably be dead. A mage moves something big enough to displace a large portion of air that Phil would not be effected by. Phil suffocates kind of deal.
Look at what this comics done to me. Thinking of Magic Rube Goldberg mechanisms to kill a character.

I see Phil regretting this decision in the near future. Although he’s testing the limits in a practice situation. So if he does get hurt consequences won’t be as severe as if it were the real thing. Anyways gotta love being young, think your unbeatable till you find out otherwise. 🙂

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