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I bet Toyoko got some Insert-Reassurance protocol that was installed in each robot girl for just such an occasion.
Toyoko is a robot girl right? XD my memory derped.

Uh… yes?!
Miyo, Nami, Toyoko. Later Lien and Rieko. Then a whole crapton of others.
Yo PHIL! Whatever happened to that cast page?

The cast pages are still there- you just can’t get to them via the cast link 😛
I dont have the profile images done yet- I’m actually very busy working on the book and a bunch of other projects.

They were also apparently moved to a different URL. Also, what cast link? 😛

OldSchool Magic 101 : The Pentagram
The pentagram is an old warding symbol that can be used to either contain magic inside it’s center, or keep something safe from magic in the center, because magic cannot cross the lines if the pentagram has been “charged” appropiately, which is usually done with candles in each line crossing/point and an invocation of some sort.
Other shapes that are used the same way is Squares, hexagons, double triangles (Star of David), and even circles with candles on the line itself. The idea is that a continous line that starts and ends with itself, has magical properties and can be used as a seal or a ward.
Thus, you only need pentagrams when you’re summoning something that wants to eat your face. After all, if your summon is benign, it won’t eat your face, so you don’t need worry about it being able to reach you.
And thus, you usually only see the Pentagram when someone wants to summon evil demons and the likes. But may occasionally also appear on old wooden doors / door posts / frames in places such as Churches or other buildings of religious import.

Actually pentagrams in other viewpoints are simply a symbol for magic, It represents, fire, air, water, earth and Spirit all within the confines of Human will. With spirit at the top. If the pentagram is upside down or extends past the circle, Then you’ve either got someone going for physical above spiritual or chaos instead of order. Just another tidbit.

Talking about the Cast link I can’t see then.
The URLs I was referring to were the old ones before the revamp.
The new cast pages are no longer under /cast/, IIRC they were under /characters/ before.
The only page we can’t access is the index. OH WELL.

Sometimes you just have to say “to hell with it” and dive in head first. Live life with no regrets. Put your heart out there, don’t be scared you might get hurt. ‘Cause it’s all worth it in the end.


Bad expression, this is the excuse that kids are using for underage sex, pregnancy, drugs etc. If taken completely literally this is true, but it’s not an excuse to do things without considering consequences.

Yeah, that was a ironic statement. Draven’s comment was clearly relating to things such as “accepting your love and entering a relationship” or taking chances.. all sorts of perfectly fine stuff.
I simply had to add that frequently abused phrase as a punch line. I know it’s not a good joke, but I can’t resist sometimes.

Ummm…perhaps I should encourage my 11-year-old not to read this comic anymore…he only just had his first “health” class and learned that he has what is called “pubic hair.” I’m sure he’s not ready for what Blue and Nami are thinking about! That said, Nami has my favorite color as her eye and hair color and I have a crush. 🙂

While I try to keep the comic rating pretty low it is generally considered PG13 ^^;
I cannot recommend this comic to young children even with it’s lack of bad language because it will on occasion be inappropriate but never pornographic. I hope you can enjoy the comic even if your child cannot ^_^;

CN you fix the mobile site cuz it kinda sucks I can’t scroll down without it going to last update and I can’t click on anything or see the chat 🙁

That doesn’t happen at all on my mobile devices, it works fine for me. Please report your problems including what device you are using to the forum in the Suggestions / Bug Reports / Errors thread so that we can look into it. Top men with help you. Actually- most likely our top woman will help you, because she’s the best and is the one who actually does most of the real site work 😀

Hmm…hopefully Nami won’t be opposed to innocent cuddling, cause it seems like that’s something Blue would really want in the early stages of the relationship. Despite her excessively flirtatious behavior, she strikes me as a cuddle-bug.

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