I’ve been wanting to do this “side story” with Axel for a while. Hope you all enjoy it. This should be done side by side with the Magi and their training. Hope you all enjoy it! Bonus comic is up as well. This week has been CRAZY with drama at work and LOTS of extra hours of work. Hopefully next week things will go back to normal, if possible.
This will be good
Damn, Axel looks really buff without his robe/cloak/dress.
None of the above, the clothing you are thinking of is AWESOME TRENCH COAT.
I forgot that was Axel for a moment XD
Hey phil inconsistencies what happened to axels AWESOME SCARS AND SHADES
he has demon magic im sure theres a regrowing flesh spell or something of that nature and it has been a while and as for his glasses i think he just left them on the dresser or something
That does not make it okay to mess with the shades awesomeness must not be messed with
Ah… so THAT’s what Axel’s face looks like! He looks good, why is he always hiding it?
Anonymity is a power in and of itself.
Sadly, it appears to be one that has failed him, since the FBI know who he is, what he does, and apparantly, where he lives.
been wondering for awhile when axel would get a personel story again. and how he is gonna react to the magi meditation training theyl be doing at the base.
I’m not sure that’s axel? wasn’t one of the mers spying on both sides a blondie in blue shirt who used fake identities before?
If you are talking about Cortex’s group, their blond guy was their Tech specialist. The girl on their team was a spy and used disguises.
Axel’s last name is Petersen, and I said in the comments that this story is about him ^_^
sweet was wondering if we would have to deal with boring training while other stuff was going on but we get 2fer yay b stories
really hard to recognize him without his costume of +4 epic badassery…
I thought he had a ton of scars, or are they hidden under his shirt?
He used to. They were recent scars from his training. Axel’s magic does include regeneration like abilities as well as shape shifting, shadow stepping, dark portals and more!
Ok, if we are bringing back characters, what happened to penpen?
One story at a time, Penpen has had several of his own already.
They obviously don’t know how easily he can get out of the situation without breaking any laws just working around them.
My guess is the dude is a liar and hes gonna ask Axel to go after Lia, which will make Axel pissed