You aren’t killing him! You are just sending him- INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION! Because that’s better
Halfway through the month and the nekocon donation drive is just under 75% of it’s goal! If ya want to know more about the Nekocon Donation Drive- Click on Green Image on the right under the twitter feed!
makes you wonder which one is the real phil…or if those two are illusions and the real one is behind? – oh well
Obviously it’s the one to the left. The one to the right is too badass – phil is anything but that. The variant with both of Phils being illusions is excluded, too, because the demon seemingly died from first hit, despite surviving many blows in the past. This is because there is a huge difference between smashing your face in the ground and being forced to smash your face in the ground by a 6 ton staff bonk.
The illusion seems to have more bulge in the pants.
you were looking?
“He’s not dead, he’s just sent to hell.”
“What’s the difference!?”
“Well for one thing there’s the slight possibility he might come back.”
“Oh. Well in that case, okay.”
Sadly, that’s more possible than you realise. Jesus said that even after demons have been driven out, you have to be vigilant, because they love to return and see the room of our spirits/souls all cleaned up nice and tidy fro mtheir last “visit” so they can make a mess in there again!
Let’s leave the missionary work for real life please
I think that the Phil with the shadow is the true Null because fire was talking to the magi of fire ( I forgot her name ) and now look at Phil a copy that repeats with a shadow.
Sorry glitch
The demons in Yosh are not like the demons from the bible. Also I don’t remember Jesus ever saying that. I even double checked and did a search on the entire standard bible so unless you are quoting something out of an unpublished book of the bible…
Heh! I’m kinda liking Illusion!Phil.
Phil lacks some awesomeness of the shadow covered face but I think he more than makes up for the lack by delivering a one handed killing blow with something that weights several tons
so who else agrees the chance is big the demon was doing it in his pants or whatever you call it when the final hit was going to land.
i have to agree with badass-imaginary Phil, one should not feel remorse for any evil spiritual beings, ESPECIALLY not demon!
I see what you did there.
DBZ reference FTW!
Seconded. Man that was lame. “I’m sending you to another dimension!” :”Really? Because I’m pretty sure you just vaporized that guy. So he’s just dead.” Then again, in the dbz world, you could find dead people land by flying through space, so even in the context of the show it wasn’t accurate…
i can guess what he’s thinking “oh crud im seeing double and this is going to hurt”
illusion cancelled
Love that real Phil is doing it one handed
Song cue ‘Sympathy for the Devil’ ..?
When I first got to reading this comic a couple days ago I first saw this page and thought, he must have some sort of cloning ability, then I went to page 1 and started reading now I’m here I now know what’s going on
I think it’s actually two blows that send him out here because they both look like they’re going to strike him.