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Taking Care of Business

Taking Care of Business published on 27 Comments on Taking Care of Business

Alright! Few notes here.  First off, Toyoko’s hair is a little darker.  I noticed I had been making her hair a little too bright lately, so I fixed it here.  If you have been reading long enough, you probably know there’s a reason I put this series of comic in here.  Eventually it will lead to something bigger (but hopefully not as long as the setup I did with Lilith which took years to even mention again XD).
Also! Good news everyone!  Two more bonus comics have been paid for!  Hopefully I’ll be able to update that at the end of the week.  With things getting so close to Christmas, I have a lot of other projects.
If you are currently waiting on a commission from me from the Nekocon Donation Drive (there should be only one of you so this is a personal message made private) I have started it and hopefully I’ll finish it this week!  So expect to see that soon!
Next time on Yosh!  Some people come to visit! 😀
Thank you all and enjoy going back to school/work! XD


plz, plz choose “the right clerk”. security for once marriage is bigger if you find the right church, because that can help you with both things within society. if you pick an offcialator, oyu’ll just get a very loose piece of paper they will use against you whenever they feel the need for it and make you victim of some serious heartless beurocracy. sure i know there are churche sin the world that are complete shit, (I mean my family’s original church was taken over and wasted by the extremist left who cared only for the church as a means to get money for the state and themselves). What I’m saying is that despite the common belief there are strong churches in the world, especially in the US, that can give a marriage couple ALOT of sturdier ground to survive throughout society on that beurocrat-only wedding-ceremonies ever could. Heck ,I’m for a shinto priestess if that’s what it takes, as long as you stay away from the officialators phil, they will eat you up, i know it! >o<

Uhm, an officiator is anyone with the right to preform a marriage legally. That is any ordained minister, a person with a temporary licenses to preform the wedding, or a government employee given the right to preform the marriage.

Well, I’m not American I’m Swedish. You DO have some weird laws over there :p
Don’t know if ours are any “better”, tough… Yours are only weird, ours are lame. I mean really lame, mos tof the time. You Americans don’t know how lucky you are with your strong christianity. There are so few good christian communities left in Sweden… The Swedish Church is a big joke, in general. Since Sweden is one of the biggest Eu countries of arabic/middle eastern/islamic immigrants, it has made Sweden highly “meh I don’t care” at best, and a strong anti-jew/isreal/christian at worst. We’re either lame or idiots. it gets depressing/annoying from time to time, you know? :/
I swear, i don’t know how ppl manage day-to-day without God to pray to…

anyhow, “ordained minister” or “the right clerk” is what I’d still say, for safety reasons. Also, wouldn’t you want an officiator who’s more understanding of the magical/spiritual enviroment/everydaylife to wed them. I just have this extremely nudging feeling that such a person will help alot more than nayone who’s strictly-government-aligned. and isn’t it too easy for said state/government to use some loophole i nthe law to withdraw a temporare oficicator’s actions afterwords, thereby rendering the wedding non-existant for the married couple? Shinto, catholic, orhtodox, protestant, lutheran, a minister who has both church and government powers behind him will be better and safer than someone who’s only loyalty is making money for the state, no matter how much he hurts you. Also, because, let’s face it, when the evil magi are done, the next war begins: against the anti-chimera government, or, what’s/who’s behind it… DUN-DUN-DUUUN

I’d expect the religious types to be the more anti-chimera. Especially in America, where the religious extremists also tend to be racist. You may be a decent religious person, but that doesn’t mean being religious invariably leads to being a better person.
Let’s not forget they’re talking about Virginia, too, which is technically part of a region of America known as the ‘South’, which has a reputation (at least a stereotype) of having religiously boisterous people who are quite racist, at least when it comes to mingling. Shocking in this day and age, I know, but there are still Southerners who would disown their children if they dated someone with different skin color.
Consider your case of arabic/islamic immigrants… Our Southern Baptists, Evangelicals, and such aren’t all that different in terms of intolerance, and they are the establishment in the South. Our ‘strong christianity’, as you call it, is actually a sad state of affairs where we have lots of people claiming to follow Jesus, while also expressing such bigoted, intolerant, and greedy views as to be utterly unchristian, and then going on to try and FORCE their perspective of christianity on EVERYONE, ignoring the fact not everyone is even Christian in this country, and even proclaiming the nation as a ‘christian nation’, ignoring the fact that the founders were deists who made a point of keeping religion from taking over government, or vice versa.

Still, the liberal Protestants would be fine with it. They’re fine with most things. I like to think that most religious types would be reasonable, but you’re right that there are a lot of people who would be opposed to this kind of thing.
Worldwide fact: if there’s a group of people who are different, there’s at least two other groups that hate them.

You are gloomy… ;D
The government, strictly speaking, isn’t anti-chimera. Kat can vote, hold public office, and participate in legal discourse and property ownership. I think? Pretty sure.
As of this moment, the rule on Virginia’s books, as supported by the court, is that a marriage entered into with all lawful steps fulfilled to the best capacity that may be determined, is assumed binding, even if, at some later date, it is determined that, through no fault of their own, the couple’s nuptial is called into question.
Also, why would the local government bother to find out? Or know? The first time the couple’s name and the officiant’s have to be linked is when the forms are turned in, and they are certified upon receipt. Once they are certified, the state can’t try to annul a marriage, except in cases where one or both parties are proven to be legally incompetent (so the state can appoint a guardian; and then, it isn’t automatic, but a process – one that judges are traditionally opposed to, when sought by a third party). As Phil and Kate can enter into a legal contract, that isn’t currently the case.

I’d guess you’ve had a bad experience. I’ve seen it play out all three ways..but mostly it plays the same way – afterwards, the happily married couple says they are such there after, and no one bugs them about exactly what the ceremony was like, except maybe their kids…to be sort of blunt, how would anyone know, and why is it anyone’s business?

The boobs….the boobs are taking over…soon all the panels will be theirs!!!

is it just me or is toyoko’s breasts just, absolutely huge pillows in that last panel…

😛 I think next year I will be doing a breast chart for the characters. It might help me get my made up condition CCS (convenient cleavage syndrome) under control. Basically, I have a habit of usually moderately changing breast sized based on the convenience in the scene. For example, if Blue is trying to push her breasts up to tease Nami, I might make them bigger than they should be. Or if I were to have a scene where a girl is specifically trying to look more appealing- I may draw the breasts bigger (and this actually happens kinda automatically with me and other artists do the same thing). While the opposite is also true. If a character is doing something athletic or dramatic, I’ll often reduce the size of the breasts so they are less distracting and aren’t doing crazy anime flopping around and breaking bra’s left and right.
With an actual guide for the breasts that i can quickly look at, hopefully I’ll be able to minimize the effect of my “CCS”. Still though, Toyoko does have absurdly large breasts. *nod nod*

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