Axel can’t help it that his magic is naturally terrifying! Sorta…
Repeated from last time!
I am officially announcing the 10th Year Anniversary Project for Yosh! That’s right, later this year will be the 10th year anniversary for the comic! To celebrate it I am putting together a collection of artwork into a full color book. The estimated size of the book is between 42 and 52 pages, full color. It will include some brand new artwork just for the book from myself as well as some of my other artwork mostly from conventions and some of my favorite comics. The book will also feature artwork from other artists from the Katbox and beyond that will be made just for the book! Eventually I will put a list up of all the artist participating.
The price of the book will be 20 dollars plus shipping and handling and will be a limited printing! Once the printing is done no more copies will be printed! Also pre-orders will determine how many get printed! For example if 50 comics are preordered I will order around a total of 100 comics, 50 for the preorders and the other 50 to be sold at cons and some might be put online to sell.
All books will be signed and numbered! The preorders will be 1 through the number preordered! Then the rest will go to online and conventions.
The convention they will be sold at will be Nekocon in Hampton, VA in November! Hopefully I’ll be adding more convention trips for 2014 where I will sell whatever is left but that will be the first Convention they will be available. Currently we are trying to make sure that Ron (Nekonny), MasterGodai, Tom from 2Kinds and Tony (one of our friends and colorists) will be at the convention with us as well as Danny- because Danny always goes to Nekocon (It’s our local major convention XD)!
Please vote in the poll but only once! I want to try to use it as a guide for how many orders I can expect and plan for. Thank you all for everything! If you have any questions please Comment below or email me! I’ll make another blog as well to address any FAQ you all have and to give you all more information!
sucks to be them
Time to see some hell magic.
So the lightning mage has basically the same face in every panel with the eyebrows in different positions. Now I’m going to be mentally putting that face on everything just to laugh.
Well, sanity, it was nice knowing ya, but now I must scream.
Nice thought …. “I have no mouth … and I must SCREAM!”
Maybe Axel will do that to one of them while he’s “interrogating” the other.
axel and his baddass entrances.
remind me not to make an enemy of him.
Terror tactics. Very useful for capture, it will make interrogation go much easier. If he doesn’t just kill them, that is.
so, uh how can we preorder a book?
Preorders will be taken in a few months once I have my text book (Probably July or August). I’ll have an announcement and pictures when it’s available for order ^_^
I hope that’s shepherd’s pie in his nickers…
Well played, Axel. Well played.
that fire mage has a hair as face? XD since whe dont have yet the chance of see his face
Yeeeah, you guys really don’t know who you’re f*cking with here, do you?
terrifying monstrous magicks, by the time you see it, it’ll be too late.
Demon magic looks like so much fun, aside for the risks of corruption, unless your a Vile I presume
You think they would be more excited by the discovery that demons do exist.
silly question but what happened to phil’s brother ethan?
The same thing that happened to his Sister Alyson. They live in their respective homes living their normal lives
a bit new?
aint getting away this time he trapped both of them it’s over
seriously, GAUGE the strength of an enemy before engaging, specially when he’s constantly proven to be many proportions more powerful than you kept guessing.
The strips in the window… are those from Axel’s glasses?
What’s with that mage’s eyes? I like it and laughed a little because they look like they are about to pop out of head
Oh, and congrats on the ten year anniversary. I started following this comic last August and by god you have done a wonderful job sage. Here’s to the next ten years.
There should be a poll option for “Yes I am interested in said art book and will definitely preorder provided assurances can be made that there will be at least one page of Kate and Blue wearing as little as neko-ly possible.” >>
Well uhm – I – I guess that would be covered in the “needs more info” answer but there will be pictures of both Blue and Kate in Bikini’s if that’s good enough. Unless they need to be in the same picture, in which case, I’ll see what I can do? XD
Same picture gets a guaranteed preorder. 8))