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Unwritten Law

Unwritten Law published on 49 Comments on Unwritten Law

There is actually a vague bit in the law saying the process involves “answering some questions” to be granted a temporary officiators license. It seems to have been interpreted to just mean basic questions to ensure that the person isn’t just getting a license because they can or something like that. Being vague however leaves it open to being abused. Under normal circumstances, if it’s shown to be abused something would be done, unless the majority agree… Or are kept unaware. This is almost over folks 😛
Have a great weekend!


well this is awkward.
on another note I call bullshit upon this

Ministers are allowed to conduct weddings as legal officiators so long as they have the proper license(for a minister getting a license “must produce proof of her/his ordination and regular communion with the religious society of which s/he is a reputed member”). It would be possible for her to be ordained and given permission to preform it under the name of a church but that’s the thing. Finding a church willing to put it’s name out there is difficult. Finally, temporary licenses must be done in person, and involves questioning (though some of this is county based, but most of them are generally the same- just different ways of doing the same thing). A congregating religious group needs to have a legal citizen as a minister to have the right to marry people. The next one will be the last one and should finish filling people in on the issue, and identify the possible solutions. So anyways, it’s not complete BS, its manipulation of the law.

Truth! This isn’t a “You shall not pass,” it’s a “luck of the draw” sort of thing. Does Naoko get an jerk/anti-chimera bigot as her reviewer, or not…
Now, to some extent, the location of the issuing court could help…

Holy shit he replyd to my comment.
Why do they need a church to permitit?

Because marriage is a privilege not a right? Banning chimera+human (opposite gender) marriage is stupid because the purpose of marriage is to create and train children to be productive members of society. Phil and Kate have shown themselves productive citizens in good standing. (For the sake of the story, I’ll suppose that Phil and Kate can have children.) “Same sex” marriage can NOT work because 1.) Monogamous homosexuals can NOT produce children. 2.) The longest committed homosexual union ON RECORD is 5 years. Properly training a child to become a productive citizen takes at least a decade, maybe two or more. It has been shown, repeatedly, that children from broken homes, regardless of the reason, do poorly compared to their counterparts from intact homes all other factors being equal. Speaking of children, be very wary of the “gay rights” movement. Some (especially in the leadership) are seeking to extend the “rights to an alternate lifestyle” they win on the “gay” front to ignore such things as age restrictions.

How’s SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE for that bible belt ideology and its easy to manipulate stats to be to a specific area. And the age restrictions is only one branch of it. There have always been two reasons and only 2 reasons really why people get married in the long run Love and Power the power portion now days extends to the declension to keep the spouse that is next to dead on life support or allow for organ donation and save a few lives as well as shared ownership, if the reason for marriage was children we would have a few billion fewer people in the world. In fact that 5 years thing is actually the longest one that has ENDED.
Oh one last thing….
Most of all recreational drugs in their prime (60s and 70s) were used by kids with “White Picket” parents. Conformity DEGRADES society.
I’m not homosexual myself but i am Anti-Intolerant and pro First Amendment, Pro Full-Picture and Anti-Propaganda.
I firmly believe any intolerance is anti-American in our founding ideals.
However i must state that i am also pro-voice and i will quote Voltaire “I may disagree with what you say but i will defend to the death your right to say it” with the amendment: as long as it isn’t restricting the voice of others.

Because you’re giving me things to reply to? XD
Marriage is not about having someone tell people they love each other. It’s a custom that has a legal influence/connection. A married couple has several rights that friends/partners that aren’t married don’t have and cannot have. There’s also filing taxes as a couple which can give some tax breaks.

This is actually part of why I’m sort of in favor of Civil unions replacing “marriage” as the legal consideration – ie, you and your partner are “unioned” when you get the license (which can’t be denied except under certain rational reasons [under-aged and the like]), and the marriage is strictly a religious affair that a separate organizational body can give or withhold as their conscience sees fit, without legal repercussions. Separation of Church and State, to me, argues that if you have a conflict between the two because their stepping on each others toes, then it behooves both to separate further, instead of getting into a shoving match over the same ground.

I’m a Christian myself, I just have a few differences in opinion. Like most real Christians I believe in science and understanding. A lot of things in the bible are interpreted and all of it was written in an ancient language translated over and over. I accept the fact that some things could have made it in that were human opinion and not “the word of God”. So i take from it what makes sense. The true message is loving your neighbors and trying to make the best of your life without hurting others. Belief in a religion doesn’t mean you have to be ignorant of everything else.

Of those given the right to Officiate a wedding, there are certain government officials granted this right as part of their job. Besides them, ministers have this right appointed to them through their organization and it’s very easy for a religious organization to get their license or be ordained to preform as an officiator.
They don’t need a Church, but its one of many ways to have a wedding officiated. A friend or family member can preform the ceremony, and the minister just has to step in for the last bit for it to be considered a legal ceremony. Or the minister could help ordain or help grant the person the right to do so. If they did it through a church or other religious organization, they is no questioning process or anything like that. It just has to be a legal union (for example, they have to be over 18, not be siblings, and still in many states, not be the same gender).

Ah, don’t you ‘love’ the legal system? >.>

Why yes I do “love” the legal system in same I “love” having someone hitting me with a spiky bat.

Well I know a solution to this predicament lets say a Chimera rights journalist, I have no clue where we would find somehow conveniently were to find out about a Virginia judge denying a mirage license for a Chimera/Human mirage and gotten her hands on a recording of the questions asked then that means happy journalist and rectified law. The media is mightier then the nuke

Public opinion can be a useful tool, but also a dangerous one. While I’d like to believe the best in people, the masses can be a might thick.

As i said call up a certain journalist, reason being is
1. she will be heard
2. she is pro rights
3. with proper qualitative evidence backed up with quantitative evidence and a story right up ones alley it is very easy for even an amateur to make a convincing story and the one we know is no amateur, she’d turn into a true muckraker.
The most effective muckraking stories are when it’s based in an area thought to be where it wouldn’t happen, Like the most shameful story in Ohio’s history that even though I learned of it in school i STILL have trouble believing, turned out lynchings weren’t happening down south but up north as well, that’s when anti lynching laws started, when people couldn’t deny it was all over though it took a while for that story to sink in and do much it still did. Today change happens faster and anyone can communicate to the world back then that was quite a feat.

officiators? bah, what happened to good old CHURCH-chosen/educated priests? the government has no right impeding on the church. yes paul the apostle said a man and woman who loves each other should get married both for the blessing of God as well as the legal protection it offers. and if a priest wouldn’t want to help “people befriending magicians”, it’s a sci fi/fantasy universe, and scripture says prayer nullifies any other spiritual power, so it would be easy to wed and bless them to overcome the evil magi. much better than some corrupt or lose officiator. phil my friend, at least try to get a priest before going to the government. otherwise it’s like accepting some shitty condolences prize before even trying a shop at the game!

In the Yoshverse many churches are anti Chimera. Also, don’t assume that everything in the bible translates to a fictional universe because I’ll tell ya right now, praying to stop a giant fireball is not going to stop it, it’s best to listen to that instinct God gave you to run than to sit still and pray.

That would be a pretty shitty universe if praying DID stop a fireball I’d end up praying that i’ld be sent to the Slightly Damned universe’s hell at least THEN i wouldn’t have to worry about being badly punished for killing people who believe they have more inherent rights then any one other group… I’d probably take pleasure in it.

Never sait it would stop a direct attack. Sure it is possible since there are chimera and magi, it would be just as likely that an invisible angel would stop a giant fireball, but that isn’t the point. the point is that prayer always gives instant + in spiritual warfare, which magic happens to count as. Read Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness or Piercing the Darkness to get what I mean about prayer, angels, spiritual warfare and divided/fallen churches in fictional stories. You should read them, very exciting books that always makes you wanna know what hapens next. Also to the anti-chimera churches: what’s up with you, our faith includes that the corruption of heritage sin affects body as well as the spirit, but also that no one is beyond saving. Help the chimera, don’t freeze them out. it’s not their fault they were “weirdened”, only what they decide to do with it, like the evil magi. Man some churches today, some doesn’t try hard enough, some try too hard!

In latter years it’s become my taste that I will always feel fantasy stories/universes as incomplete until you get to see the heavenly character’s role in the story (as obvious good guys). Just feels illogical that a world has magi, elementals and chimera-hybrids, but no angels or demons, god(s) or devil(s)?

Uhh, there are demons, and i have mentioned celestial creatures. Regardless, it doesn’t ever mean that the way you think it should work applies to everything. There is no real logic behind how demons and angels should work. Heck, Neon Genesis Evangelion- the monsters attacking? Those are Angels sent by God according to their story. Does that make it wrong? No, it’s how they interpret it, how their world works.
My story doesn’t have purely evil characters. Everyone has a reason for how they act. The Magi aren’t evil, the twins aren’t evil. Cortex isn’t evil. Most demons aren’t really all that “evil”! Demons in Yosh all have a nature, and depending on how strong they are, are able to embrace or deny that nature. For example, the Sorcerer Prince, his original nature is to manipulate and twist things in his favor, he still does this, but he isn’t controlled by that nature and chooses to work towards not doing those things. While the other prince that showed up again recently embraces his role as a creature of power and destruction.

I take it you are going somewhere with this wedding officiant detour…let me point that in the “real” US, some states don’t require a legally recognized officiant at all, like Pennsylvania, so that the Amish don’t have to go through “English bureaucracy” for a government they don’t entirely recognize in order to have legal marriages. PA is a neighbor of VA, so they could just take a little drive and avoid this whole problem. But maybe that’s not true in the world of Yosh!, which has chimera and other fun things we do not have. 🙂

I assume the reasoning for anti Chimera laws is as always separating out the minority and those that are different from society

People are still scared of what Chimera’s are capable. They think that if more Chimera children are born they might be born as magic wielding chimeras and the last thing any parent wants to for their child to get in a fight at school and get set on fire by a kid that cant control his power. Or a chimera with claw to get upset and use them. They can’t monitor their sexual habits but at least if a chimera child is born to an unwed couple, if they break up they could find the parent “unfit” and take the “little monster” away. If they are married it’s a bit more difficult so, just do what you can to prevent their marriage.

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