You probably know by now, but comic will resume on Friday as normal! As for the cleric outfit… Naturally it’s a design based on looking for RPG cleric outfits for a goddess of Love. D&D people can probably guess which one- but I can’t use but so much from certain stories.

I’m guessing Kate is playing a cleric of Sune or Aphrodite, who both enjoy physical beauty as well as various forms of affection.
Could also be a Cleric of Sharess, would be thematically appropriate what with Kate being a Cat-girl and Sharess also being the goddess Bast.
My money on Sune, IIRC her color preference is red.
*Sage Liked this Comment and would also like easy money on this bet* 😛
Dancer cleric uh
Now to make this canon by having the Friday comic be of Kate designing her character and this be one of the outfit options she has tried on.
I could see her as a cleric of Elistraee as well