Comic Resume’s Friday! Have a happy Valentine’s day- Tomorrow! 😀
(Also if ya don’t get the visual gag- Heart shape! It’s said that Valentine’s day was one of those many holidays put in place to cover up a Pagan holiday nearby. Such a holiday was set Feb 15th, which was a fertility feast holiday).

Hm, might have been funny to have her comment on the heart shape considering one theory of what its based on is ether a women but from behind or the pubic mound. The orther lead theory being a now extinct flower/fruit.
If Yuki was used as inspiration i guarantee it wouldn’t be her behind that inspired the heart though, as this image shows, it still have the same shape(…probably).
To be fair we have not been able to witness her cake, though I understand your point. If the legs from the Halloween post are any indication then I suspect the cake is marvelous as well.
Happy Lupercalia you all.
Why a fox was brought for the event I do not know. A dog would suit much better
I am in favor of pagan fertility feasts, and foxes are warm and cuddly, with sexy narrow snouts and long vulpy tongues.
i’m lost for a number of reasons
I mean that is kind of the intention of the holiday. To cover up and bury the original holiday that is the one Yuki knows of. Also remember that Valentine is a name, saint Valentine, the old religous guy.
And what’s with all of the cardiology?
Happy day of the Wolf Mommy